Friday, April 11, 2008

Rockies and Geography

Yesterday's Recap

Geography Lesson
Okay so some things catch my eye and bug me. Nike's new (or old?) ad features baseball nations on the US map. The Rockies map looks like this

What is up with that? I mean it doesn't even fill the entire state of Colorado. You would think a team named Colorado would at least be in a large part(?) of that region. Below is a little map I did showing all the radio stations that broadcast Rockies games. I assume that if you hear the Rockies you must be close to being a fan (?). From this map, we have fans ranging from New Mexico all the way to Northern Montana. The next question would be to figure out radio transmitter distances and figure out an area. I imagine the flagship station, KOA, probably reaches pretty far. Also interesting is that Salt Lake doesn't have a Rockies station...I wonder why?

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