Monday, September 24, 2012

Rox Talk - Week 25

Week 25
A 0-7 week against the Padres and D-Backs. The Rox currently stand at 58-94 (second half record at 25-42). Thirty and half games behind the Giants for the division lead in last place. Currently 31-46 at home and 27-48 on the road, the Rox have been outscored by its opponents 849-718 (expected wins is 64 versus historical wins at 73). On pace for 62 wins with 765 runs scored and 905 runs against. Playoff indicator (Runs Scored/Runs Against ratio) is 0.85 (1.16 indicates high playoff potential).

Rookie of the Year
With the season finally coming to an end (thankfully), Rox need to look back on their dismal season and at least take away some positives.  The biggest has to be the bat of Wilin Rosario (let's forget the defense for now).  With 26 homers (through Sunday), he leads the rookie field.  Unfortunately Rosario has no chance of gaining Rookie of the Year honors due to the presence of a strong East Coast candidate in Bryce Harper.  Plus even if Rosario didn't play in the media black hole of Colorado his 20 passed balls would probably preclude him from any honors.  Either way with Rosario's power and a healthy CarGo, Tulo, and Cuddyer, who knows maybe we will have Blake Street Bombers Part II.  Here are Rosario's stats compared to past offense ROY winners:

My guess is that he will finish in 4 or 5th place.  But hey Helton and Tulo both finished 2nd so who really cares...

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